Ücretsiz Web Sayaçları
pStats - Offers hidden counters, text counters, or small graphic counters.
A-Counters - Free counters and web statistics plus webmasters tools.
ActiveMeter.com - Free Invisible Hit Counter and Web analytics. Track Detailed visitor stats with lead generation, click fraud protection and ROI tracking.
AddFreeStats - Lets webmasters consult in real-time all their site's statistics.
"10-30am" LiveCounter - Features a "little live character" that counts visitors, hits, collect stats and can also sell products or help in site navigation.
Amazing Counters - Offers over 350 styles of free hit counters, free web site statistics, and many other options. Simple copy and paste installation.
Bodycount - Free web hit counter and site statistics service targeted at bodybuilding and fitness web sites. Includes Top 20 chart based on traffic. Public or Private statistics option.
Branica Web Statistics - A free counter and website statistics service. Five counter styles to choose from.
Christiancounters.com - Free website counters.
ChristianStats.com - Full real time statistics, weekly email report, and 1yr storage.
ChristiansUnite.com - Free web page hit counter for Christian webmasters. Track statistics, individual pages, groups of pages, or track your whole site. Check your up to date stats anytime.
Clicker - Free custom web counter. Easy to add and change.
Cool Web Counter - Free web counter service which allows the user to choose his or her own design from a variety of fonts and colors. Password protection and URL-check are available.
Count My Page - Free website counter with real-time stats.
Counted! - Offers statistical analysis of the most important aspects of sites. Allows easy installation and maintenance.
123Counted.com - Free, extensive and detailed web site statistics services in real time.
CounterBot.com - A Java web hit counter
counters.cc - Counter service with very detailed statistics and many options.
Counting4Free.com - Free visitor counter that contains no ads. There are no limits on counters or visitors.
Crawler Alert - With Crawler Alert, you get an automatic email notification whenever a search engine crawler (spider/agent/robot) visits your web site.
CustomCounter - Free graphical web counter that allows users to use their own digit images in counters.
DarwinsWeb - Counter which tracks visits to websites and provides the starting date of counting.
DevStats - Free web counters, different styles to chose from.
DownloadCounter.Com - Allows the counting of downloads from sites for free. Results are presented graphically which may be showed on the web site.
Estats4all - Provides detailed information on visitors.
eXTReMe Tracking - Comprehensive site stats. Non-public stats and multiple page tracking are also available.
Extreme Webstats - Offers free website statistics for websites. Features include hit statistics over the past year, returning traffic, and a list of visitors from search engines.
FakeCounter - The world's first counter to admit that its data is faked. A free service.
Fast Online Users - Counter.
Fast Web Counter - Easy to use web counter.
FastCounter - A free hit counter allowing webmasters to see the traffic in their sites.
Fish Clix Tracker - free website tracking and statistics for fishing and outdoors sites.
FishTracker - Free web-site stats service. Provides information on search engines and keywords. Contains detailed reports and graphs.
FlowCounter.com - Customizable web counter with visitor statistics.
Free Counter - Robust graphical counters for your Web Page with fun graphics, we even have an animated Bart Simpson counter with new designs on the way.
Free counter and web site statistics - Free web counter and site access tracker that offers many detailed statistics and reports
Free Counters - Up to 5 counters.
Free Counters - Completely free of charge hosted web site counters. You can choose many styles. Simply add ********** code to each html page.
Free Hit Counter - Lets you easily ad a free hit counter to a website. One simple line of html code will work on unlimited pages, unlimited websites.
Free hit counter - Get a free hit counter for your website without advertising.
Free Stats - Website traffic, marketing, path and visitor profile reporting and tracking.
Free Stats Counter - Free website hit counter. Over 150 styles to choose from.
Free Web Counters Online - Provides a simple digit-style web counter.
Free-Counter.com - Free Counter provides a reliable hit counter with real time statistics and customizable images.
Freehitcounters.net - Free web counters in over 150 different styles.
Freewebcounter.info - A free and reliable image hit counter with many styles to choose from.
FXcounters.com - Free advanced visitor statistics and web counter with access to personal control panel.
Hit Counter - Hit Counter is a free Internet service that provides detailed and valuable statistics to its users
Hit-Counters.com - Counter service with simple real-time statistics.
Hitslog.com - Free hit counter and web site statistics.
INeedACounter - Free hit counters for your website. No html knowledge required, sign up free today!
Invisible Page Counter - Provides basic hit counting for free.
iStatMaster.com - Free invisible hit counters. Tracks visitors, hits, referrers, search engine keywords and more.
Jellycounter - Free counter service with advanced statistics, customizable appearance, and multiple page tracking.
Limerex.com - Ranking system with visitor information statistics for your website. Includes web counter, top referrers, recent referrers and keywords.
LiveCounter - Web page access counter with an animated real time hits display.
Magic Counter - Various services offered.
MR-Hosting Counter Service - Free hit counter and web site statistics service, plenty of styles to choose from.
MV Tracker - Provides free realtime website stats, page tracking, referrer tracking, and button exchange codes.
N1busVerticalCounter - Displays counter vertically.
Next Generation Stats - Provides invisible, text-based, and graphical counters and also provides detailed visitor statistics.
Online Count - Free service showing how many active visitors are online and the countries from which they are browsing.
PageHits.DDnDD.NET - Hit counter.
Professional Statistics - UK based website visitor tracking service. Features detailed logs and pageview plus a visitor summary.
Qcounter - Basic web counter.
q-counter.com - A fast web counter that can be used on homepages. Offers instant setup and is free of charge.
RealTracker - Free counter for non-commercial homepages providing instant statistics about the visitors.
Relmax Top - A Free counter that you place on your site, which then appears in our searchable directory. Your site is ranked by how much traffic it gets.
ServuStats - Free counter service. Provides detailed graphical analysis of webpage visitors.
Site Meter - Small graphic counter with real-time traffic reporting.
StatCounter.com - Detailed visitor stats and a choice of graphical counters. An invisible counter is also available.
Stats And Counters - Analyze and monitor your traffic for FREE.
Stats For Your Site - Provides a free hit counter for websites with informative information on where traffic is coming from, browser type, and IP addresses.
Stats4all.com - A professional system to track and analyze the behavior of website visitors.
SuperCounters - Different style hit counters for webmasters.
td-soft - Link tracking tool and page counter.
TDStats - Multiple site tracking, traffic stats, referrer stats by url and domain, search engine statistics, keyword tracking and system stats, browser version, operating system, and screen resolution.
TulipStats - Real time web site statistics and tracking service with graphical and text reports.
The Ultimate Counter - Free hit counter with over 500 counter graphics options.
UltraStats - Invisible and it provides multipage statistics.
UrgentClick.com - Hidden free counter to track visitors and hits on each page.
URL-Stats - Free website stats counter to track user visits by browser, country, source, search term and more key data. Realtime member area shows you all key data for your visitors.
W3counter - Lists visits, referrals, browser versions, resolution, and operating systems used to view a site.
Web Counter - View website statistics, flash, system, explorer, and resolution of visitors for free.
Web Hit Counters - Comprehensive selection of reliable website hit and traffic counters.
Web Track - Offers totals, unique accesses and other features.
X Counters - Free Counter that doesn't use cgi or java.
yd0 counter - yd0 hit counters, 100 counters per account. Graphical interface.